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Pleasure horse/pony showing rules

1 August 2024 to 31 July 2025

Pleasure Horse/Pony means those animals who do not fit the mould of a Show Horse/Pony. We welcome any breed (e.g. Appaloosas, Quarter Horses, Standardbreds, Clyde X) and colour. They should be an uncomplicated and genuine pleasure to ride. Whilst they do not possess the show quality conformation of a show horse, they should in their own way be a delight to ride, with impeccable manners.

A “pleasure mount” is NOT an inexperienced mount with show quality conformation who is destined for the open show ring.



  1. From 1 August 2015, for a horse/pony to meet the annual title show qualification requirements they must be registered with NZEPS.

  2. Horses/ponies must never have been placed first in an open show ring class including working hunter. However, members may apply for dispensation to NZEPS.  Please note - open show ring includes wins in novice classes in a ring defined open i.e. saddle hunter, park hack etc this also includes NZ Show Council and Showing Championships.

  3. Riders may be registered with other bodies.

  4. Riders may compete outside the Pleasure Horse/pony section.

  5. Riders in Pony classes must be under 17yrs (proof of rider’s age may be requested). Age is taken as of 1st August.

  6. Children riding hacks must compete in the Horse Classes.

  7. Adults may ride ponies in Horse Classes without prejudice.

  8. Pleasure mounts may compete in recognised breed and colour classes ie Welsh and Pinto classes but should not compete in the RAS inhand classes ie Sporthorse, TB or in hand pony sections. Note: regardless of a mount’s performance history, they cannot compete in a novice or open showing class (see definition note 2 above for what is classed as open showing) and a Pleasure class at the same show.

  9. Stallions may compete in this section however it is up to the discretion of each show committee as to whether they choose to allow stallions on site.

  10. A rider with a disability can apply for dispensation to use gear which is not normally allowed. They will be issued with a card stating the dispensation and must carry it at shows.


  1. BITS: Ordinary snaffle bit as per Dressage NZ definition only, no poll action.  No bit guards, shadow rolls, ear plugs muffs or bonnets, martingales (breast plates are allowed) or tie downs (including side or balance reins).

  2. BITLESS BRIDLES are only permitted in Recreational pleasure classes.

  3. CAVESSON NOSEBANDS: Only cavesson nosebands are permitted no strapping below the bit.

  4. WHIPS may be carried but must not exceed 76cms in length.

  5. HELMETS: All riders must wear a 3-point harness helmet conforming to the current NZ Safety Standard or an equivalent standard and be tagged as per current RAS/ESNZ requirements.

  6. SPURS are not to be worn.

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Bits 2.PNG

​​​​© 2021 by The New Zealand Equestrian Pleasure Society

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