High Points - 2024/2025
New Format
Highpoints competition is now included in the horse registration.
You are automatically eligible once a member with a registered horse.
Highpoints runs 1 August to 31st July.
You get to count a maximum of 5 shows.
It is the riders responsibility to record placings and choose which shows to include.
We do check that placings are recorded accurately.
This year we will have as well as the overall highpoints there will be regional awards.
The RAS Regions are as follows, when registering your new horse/pony or renewing an existing horse/pony you will be required to select the region you live in.
Northern District
All the Auckland Provincial District except Poverty Bay
Mid Northern District
Waikato, Bay of Plenty & King Country
Western District
Taranaki, Wanganui, Manawatu & Horowhenua
Eastern District
Wairarapa, Wellington, Hutt Valley, Hawkes & Poverty Bays
Central District
Canterbury, Westland, Nelson & Marlborough
Southern District
Otago & Southland
Please state when sending in Final results which region you live in ( you can count shows you attend out of your home region)
(We are using the RAS regions as our regions.)
**The overall highpoints winner for both hacks and ponies is not eligible for the regional prizes**
Highpoints competition Coordinator Hayley Gardner hazel-gardiner@hotmail.com
Only shows entered after membership and registration can be counted. Any shows entered before this date are not eligible for the High Points System.
Both rider membership and horse/pony registration must be current.
Points are calculated off horse and rider combinations. Any changes made to the horse and rider combinations will need to be re-registered as a new combination;
Only results from classes at affiliated shows are to be calculated.
• Best Presented
• Best Walk
• Best Trot
• Best Paced*
• Best Mannered*
• Best Combination
• Most Suitable for Beginner
• Best Rider
**At Shows where Best Paced & Mannered, points from those placings will be allocated to the Best Mannered Class.**
Placings: 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
Points: 6 5 4 3 2 1
Points are allocated as above.
Points from the top 5 shows for each entrant are added together, the rest of the show points are discarded (i.e if you go to 10 shows and won lots of 1sts at 5 of them but didn’t do so well at the other 5, only the top 5 shows are counted). This helps to even out the playing field for areas that don’t have many shows. You do not have to attend 5 shows send points in even if you attend less. You could place in regional competition.
It's the entrant's responsibility to ensure all contact details are up-to-date,. At the end of the award season, the Society will prompt eligible members requesting they send in their top five shows. A message will be posted onto the NZ equestrian pleasure Facebook page. A reminder will be sent within a two week period to ensure highpoints members have sufficient notification to send in documentation.
In the event of tied points at the end of the season, the winner will be calculated on a count back for the highest points obtained in the Best paced and Mannered.
It's the entrant's responsibility to email all placings recorded to the High Points Secretary within 14 days of receiving official notification via the NZEPS Facebook page or via email.
Entrants need to provide their top 5 or less scoring shows when prompted. Placings will be cross checked with official results received from the Show Secretary. Points that are not received by the prescribed deadline will not be included. Further details on how to provide your placings will be sent towards the end of the competition seasons.
Anyone deemed to be falsifying their points will involve a disciplinary committee meeting.