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Here is a list of frequently asked questions and answers for newcomers or anyone with an interest in the Pleasure ring.  We hope this will be helpful in dispelling some myths and clarifying a few points.


Q: Must I join NZEPS to ride in the Pleasure ring?
A: No, not at this stage, however if you would like to compete at our National Title Show (currently HOY) you must be an NZEPS member and your horse/pony must be registered with NZEPS in your name so that you may qualify.


Q: Do I need to register my horse/pony with NZEPS to compete in the Pleasure ring?
A: No, not at this stage, however if you would like to compete at the National Title Show (currently HOY) your horse/pony must be registered in your name so that any wins can be recorded on his/her Pleasure Passport.


Q: Does my horse/pony need a height certificate for the Pleasure ring?
A: No but if you have a pony of questionable height ridden by a child it is advisable to have one because you could be asked to provide proof of it being a pony.


Q: My horse/pony is ESNZ registered. Can I do Pleasure classes with him/her?
A: Yes, as long as it is not currently competing in any showing classes other than breed classes.


Q: I ride a show horse/pony in the open ring. Am I allowed to ride in the Pleasure ring?

A: Yes, as long as you are riding a Pleasure horse/pony.


Q: My horse/pony does Working Hunter. Can I do Pleasure classes with him/her?
A: No, Working Hunter is a showing class. Show horses/ponies are not eligible for Pleasure classes.


Q: I have an old schoolmaster horse/pony who is well past his/her competitive years. Can I compete him/her in the Pleasure ring?
A: Horses/ponies must never have been placed first in an open show ring class. An open show ring class is defined as any class (other than Pleasure Horse classes) which are not restricted to breed type (for example, Park Hack, Show Hack, Saddle Hunter, Riding Horse, Show Pony, Saddle Hunter Pony, Working Hunter etc). However, riders may apply for dispensation to this rule to the society and each application will be taken on a case by case basis and decided on by the Committee.


Q: If I buy a Pleasure horse/pony part way through the season and he/she has already won a Champion with another rider, can I ride him/her at the National Title Show?
A: Yes, you can as long as you win a Champion with him/her yourself. A horse/pony must qualify with the same rider as will be riding him/her at our National Title Show (currently HOY).


Q: Is there anything special I need to do if I sell my Pleasure horse/pony?
A: You can download the Change of Ownership form from our Downloads page which will mean that a new Pleasure Passport can be issued for the horse/pony in the new owner’s name.


Q: If I want to compete in the Pleasure ring, do I have to buy a horse/pony that is part Clydesdale?
A: No, any breed of horse/pony is accepted in the Pleasure ring. Pleasure horses/ponies are not judged on breed.


Q: Do I have to trim the feathers off my heavy horse/pony to compete in Pleasure classes?
A: No, your horse/pony can be as hairy as you like.


Q: Do I have to cut the ear fluff and tactile hairs (whiskers) off my horse/pony for Best Presented or Smartest on Parade classes in the Pleasure ring?
A: No, absolutely not. These classes are judged on the effort you have gone to in getting your horse/pony ready for the show, how well your tack fits, the cleanliness of your horse/pony and tack, the condition of your horse/pony, and the overall impression you give as a combination.


Q: Must I plait my horse/pony for Pleasure classes?
A: Read the show schedule carefully. If it does not specifically say “no plaiting” you should plait your horse/pony.


Q: Do I have to wear a riding/show jacket for Pleasure classes?
A: Again, this may vary from show to show so do read the schedule. It might say “no jackets” or “casual attire” in which case pony club or adult riding club uniform is fine. You can also wear your NZEPS polo shirt for these shows. If there is no dress code mentioned you should wear a jacket. “Informal attire” also means that you should wear a jacket.


Q: Why should I buy a breastplate number holder?
A: If you are competing at A&P shows chances are you will need to display your competitor’s number. A breastplate number holder is the most common way to display your number and makes it easy for the judge and stewards to identify you and call you in for workouts or placings. It is also a courtesy to other competitors and spectators to clearly show your number.


Q: Should I put hoof black on my horse/pony for Pleasure classes?
A: It’s totally up to you unless otherwise stated in the show schedule.


Q: Do I need to buy a bling browband for Best Presented or Smartest on Parade classes in the Pleasure ring?
A: No, you don’t. You should use a browband that fits your horse/pony and suits his/her head.


Q: Do I need to buy a dressage saddle to ride in the Pleasure ring?
A: No, you don’t. Your saddle should fit your horse/pony. There is no restriction on the type of saddle you can use.





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