From 1 August every year, for a competitor to meet the HOY Pleasure Section qualification requirements they must be a member of NZEPS. Horses and ponies must also be registered with NZEPS.
Members will need to ensure they attend sanctioned shows that adhere to the Society’s Pleasure Horse/Pony Showing Rules which can be found on our Resources and links page. Sanctioned shows will be listed on our Upcoming Shows page.
NZEPS membership is annual and you can join and pay online using the links above.
Should you have any questions, please email
Upon registration horses and ponies will receive their very own Pleasure Passports like the one shown below.

SCALE OF FEES 2024 - 2025
Single Membership (for one person only annually) $35
Non-Rider Annual (for one non-riding person annually) $10
Horse Registration (for one horse only annually) $25
Additional Passport $10
Horses/ponies must never have been placed first in an open show ring class including working hunter. However, members may apply for dispensation to NZEPS. (Please note open show ring includes wins in novice classes in a ring defined open ie saddle hunter, park hack etc). This also includes shows such as NZ Show Council and Showing Championships.
The definition open in our rules means open quality as defined by RAS etc and as such does include novice wins in any of the relevant open classes.
To apply for a dispensation for a horse please contact us.